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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.340
In general, the COCOM treaty, signed by twenty or so countries
including the United States, says that all cryptographic material will
be treated as munitions. This means that these countries treat
exporting DES the same way they would treat exporting weapons, fighter
planes, and other nasty stuff. You cannot export such materials to
any other country (except Canada**) without an export license.
However, it *is* possible to get an export license for Kerberos (DEC
apparently has one for ULTRIX) provided it is hacked up in the correct
way. The correct way appears to include making it impossible to
perform encryption on arbitrary user data; authentication is okay, but
secrecy is not. Since the Kerberos API provides this functionality,
it must be carefully removed before an export license will be granted.
Of course, I am not a lawyer; this information is merely a collection
of what others (who are also not lawyers) have said and should not be
interpreted as legal advice. If anyone out there has firm legal
advice, feel free to contribute it.
**Canada has been granted a general exemption to DES export
restrictions; the exemption is detailed in Title #22, Code of Federal
Regulations, "International Traffic in Arms Rgulations," Section 126.5.
You can export DES to Canada providing that it is not re-exported to
another country and that the above regulation is referenced. This
information has been confirmed with Mr. Alan Sushinsky, Munitions
Control, The State Department, (703) 875-6621.
(2.3) How can I delete a principal from the database?
MIT Kerberos V4 does not include a single command to delete a Kerberos
principal. This was an intentional omission based on the assumption
that by making deletion difficult, accidents were less likely to
happen. If you want to delete a principal, do "kdb_util dump", edit
the ASCII dump with an editor, and do a "kdb_util load". Obviously,
you can write a shell script to make this more convenient.
AFS Kerberos' and Kerberos V5's admin tools have a simple delete
(2.4) What are the officially assigned Kerberos port numbers?
The file src/prototypes/services.append in the MIT Kerberos
distribution contains the commonly used port assignments. This file
is not the whole story, however.
"kerberos" has officially been moved to port 88, although people will
have to listen on port 750 for some time to come, and assume
that many servers won't be converted to listen to port 88 for some
"kerberos_master" and "krb_prop" have not been reserved, but they are
only used for intra-site transactions so having them reserved probably
isn't necessary. Furthermore, both of their port numbers have already
been assigned to other services, so requesting an official assignment
will force them to change.
"eklogin", "kpop", and "erlogin" have not been officially reserved,
but probably should be. Their ports are not currently assigned to
other services, so hopefully they will not have to change if an
official assignment is requested.
(2.5) Are there Kerberos versions of telnet and ftpd?
A Kerberos telnet is available via anonymous ftp from ftp.uu.net, in
/networking/telnet.91.03.25.tar.Z. There is also a Kerberos telnet in
the V5 distribution which is based on the 4.4BSD telnet/telnetd.
[NOTE: Telnet has been "temporarily" removed from the V5 beta 2
A distributable Kerberos version of ftpd does not yet appear to exist.
(2.6) Why does rlogin print "Warning: No Kerberos tickets obtained"?
Kerberos rlogin uses a standard Kerberos exchange to prove the
identity of the user to the remote host, after which it uses the
/etc/passwd and a .klogin file to determine whether the user is
authorized to log in.
Since the user never types a password, klogind on the remote host
cannot obtain a new ticket granting ticket. The user's existing tgt
cannot be used on the remote host, because MIT Kerberos V4 tickets are
host-specific. Therefore, even though the user has logged in to the
remote host, there is no ticket granting ticket for the user available
on the remote host. The warning message is merely a reminder of this
(2.7) What operating systems has Kerberos been ported to?
What vendors provide commercial support for Kerberos?
Note: This was written by Greg Edwards, edwardsg@iscnvx.is.lmsc.lockheed.com.
The following is a list on Kerberos Ports that I know of as of 23
October 1992. If you have additional information please send it to me.
This listing is of announced ports, not ports that I have tested. In
addition, it does not mention any problems that I may be aware of or
heard rumors of in certain ports. Most vendors are trying to make their
Kerberos ports more complete and remove problems all the time, so this
chart will need updating soon.
Kerberos Ports Key (inside matrix)
4 K4 port done
5 Kerberos v5 port done
D DCE version of Kerberos done
d DCE version of Kerberos being ported or planned
p porting version 4 at this time
P porting Kerberos v5
h planned port of v4
H planned port of v5
t Kerberos v4 being tested
T Kerberos v5 being tested
A Athena (of which Kerberos 4 is a part)
- no product known
Porting Companies (y-axis)
c Cygnus Support Steve Wilson 415/433-3811 swilson@cygnus.com
d DEC (DECathena?) John O'Hara 508/486-7402
e Essex Vince Stasio 508/532-5511
f FTP Software Kristine Kilduff 617/246-0900 kpk@ftp.com
m MIT release
o Open Computing Security Group Dan Webb 206/883-8721 dwebb@ocsg.com
or Bob Gassen 206/883-8721 bobg@ocsg.com
p Project Pilgrim Art Gaylord 413/545-2420 art@cs.umass.edu
r Cisco Routers & Bridges
t TGV S. Vance 800/tgv-3440 vance@tgv.com
. Telebit 408/734-4333
w Wollongong Denise Earhart 415/962-7211
x Xyplex (terminal server) Rich Fitzgerald 714/725-9489
z Product for one OEM/self
Notes: Cray Kerberos supplied as part of UNICOS 7.0, DCE version later
DECs Ultrix Kerberos does not authenticate users, only servers
DECAthena does authenticate users
Rumored ports by:
Emulex 714/662-5600
Gradient Technologies
Transarc for AFS (Andrew File System) & makes DEC developers kits
Kerberos Ports 23 Oct 1992
who c d e f i m o p r t w z other
Amdahl - - - - - - - - - - - 4 -
AIX 3.2 4 - A - - d 4 tT - - - - P -
Cisco - - - - - - - - - - - p -
Convex - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 LMSC partial port of K4
Cray - - - - - - - - - - - 4d 4 LLNL partial port of K4
HP - A - - - - hT - - - - - d
Intel Sv.4 - - - - - 4 H - - - - - d
Irix 4.0.3 4 - - - - - - - - - - - p
Mac 6.x p - - - - 4 4H - - - - - -
Mac 7.x p - - - - 4 4H - - - - - -
MsDos - - 4 4 - 4 4H - - - - - -
MVS - - - - 4 - pP - - - - 4d -
NCR - - - - - - pH - - - - - -
NCSATelnetPC - - - - - - t - - - - - -
NCSATelnetMac - - - - - - t - - - - - -
NeXT - - - - - 4 4H - - - - - -
who c d e f i m o p r t w z other
Novell - - - - - - H - - - - d -
OS/2 - - 4 - 4d - - - - - - 4 -
Pyramid - - - - - - H - - - - p -
SCO p - - - - - - - - - - - -
SecDynamics - - - - - - tH - - - - - -
Sequent - - - - - - 4H - - - - - -
Solaris 2.0 p - - - - - 4T - - - - d 4 Cray has a K4 port
SunOS 4.0.1 4 A - - - 4 4T - - - - - -
SunOS 4.1 4 A - - - 4 4T - - - - - -
Telebit - - - - - - - - - - - 4 -
Ultrix 4.1 4 A4 - - - 4 - - - - - 4 -
VM - - - - 4 - - - - - - 4 -
VMS - - - - - - - 4d - 4 4 - -
Win3.1 - - - - - - tH - - - - - p
Xyplex - - - - - - - - - - - 4 -
who c d e f i m o p r t w z other
Please send updates to Greg Edwards, edwardsg@iscnvx.is.lmsc.lockheed.com
3. Building and Installing Kerberos
(3.1) Why do I get an error message from ld when make_commands is
The make_commands program (from the file util/ss/make_commands.c,
around line 101) spawns ld as part of its normal operation. The
arguments to ld are hard-coded into the exec() call and are not
correct for all systems. To fix the problem, examine the call and
determine the correct arguments for your environment; once you know
the correct arguments, the change to the source code will be obvious.
(3.2) Why doesn't KRB5-types.h exist when I build version 5?
There's a bug in Sun's imake/cpp setup, so the Makefile that is
generated in lib/asn.1 is broken. KRB5-types.h is generated by the
ISODE program pepsy; look in the makefile just before pepsy is called.
It's fairly obvious where a tab character is missing.
4. Miscellaneous
(4.1) List references for Kerberos and network security in general.
See the bibliography at the end of this document.
(4.2) Where are archives of comp.protocols.kerberos (a.k.a
Archives are available via anonymous FTP from athena-dist.mit.edu in
the directory pub/kerberos/krb-mail. The kerberos@athena.mit.edu
archives prensently extend up to 24 September 1992. Some archives of
the kerberos protocol mailing list are also available.
The FTP site for a reference, when known, is listed in square brackets
following the entry. Yes, I know that these are not in Officially
Blessed Bibliography Format. Sue me.
[1] Jennifer G. Steiner, Clifford Neuman, Jeffrey I. Schiller.
"Kerberos: An Authentication Service for Open Network Systems", USENIX
Mar 1988. [athena-dist.mit.edu:pub/kerberos/doc/usenix.PS]
[2] S. P. Miller, B. C. Neuman, J. I. Schiller, and J. H. Saltzer,
"Kerberos Authentication and Authorization System", 12/21/87.
[3] R. M. Needham and M. D. Schroeder, "Using Encryption for
Authentication in Large Networks of Computers," Communications of the
ACM, Vol. 21(12), pp. 993-999 (December, 1978).
[4] V. L. Voydock and S. T. Kent, "Security Mechanisms in High-Level
Network Protocols," Computing Surveys, Vol. 15(2), ACM (June 1983).
[5] Li Gong, "A Security Risk of Depending on Synchronized Clocks",
Operating Systems Review, Vol 26, #1, pp 49--53.
[6] S.M. Bellovin and M. Merritt, "Limitations of the Kerberos
Authentication System," USENIX Jan 1991.
[7] Refik Molva, Gene Tsudik, Els Van Herreweghen, and Stefano Zatti,
"KryptoKnight Authentication and Key Distribution System."
[8] C. Neumann and J. Kohl, "The Kerberos(tm) Network Authentication
Service (V5)," April 1992. Currently released as an Internet Draft.
Barry Jaspan, bjaspan@mit.edu
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu news.answers:3537 comp.dcom.lans.misc:909
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!hri.com!noc.near.net!news.Brown.EDU!qt.cs.utexas.edu!cs.utexas.edu!usc!rpi!newsserver.pixel.kodak.com!psinntp!newstand.syr.edu!spider.syr.EDU!jmwobus
From: jmwobus@mailbox.syr.edu (John Wobus)
Newsgroups: news.answers,bit.listserv.big-lan,comp.dcom.lans.misc
Subject: BIG-LAN/bit.listserv.big-lan FAQ
Message-ID: <1992Oct16.131731.19197@newstand.syr.edu>
Date: 16 Oct 92 17:17:31 GMT
Reply-To: big-lan-request@suvm.syr.edu
Followup-To: poster
Organization: Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Lines: 1329
Approved: jmwobus@mailbox.syr.edu
Originator: jmwobus@spider.syr.EDU
Archive-name: LANs/big-lan-faq
BIG-LAN Frequently Asked Questions
Last Updated: October 13, 1992
Acknowledgements: A lot of people provided information for me and I freely
admit that I have not recorded the list of names. Thanks to all.
I. About BIG-LAN
II. Explanation of this Memo
III. Sources of Information on Campus Networks
1. Must-Read Sources
2. A Few General Sources
3. LISTSERV Mailing Lists
4. Internet Mailing Lists
5. USENET/Netnews Groups
6. Anonymous FTP-based Archive Sites
7. LISTSERV-based Archive Sites
8. RFCs (Internet "Request For Comments")
9. Other Useful Online Papers
10. Sources of Protocol Documents
11. Useful Free Software
12. Books
13. Periodicals
14. Training Courses
15. Conferences
IV. Basic Glossary on Campus Networks
V. Frequently Asked Questions on Campus Networks
1. What is the difference between Ethernet and IEEE 802.3?
2. What is encapsulation? What do I have to know about it?
3. How do I know whether to use a router or a bridge?
4. How do I know whether to use a bridge or a repeater? How many
repeaters may I put on an Ethernet?
5. Should I use "manageable" hubs, concentrators, etc on my LAN?
6. Which LAN technology should I use? Arcnet? FDDI? Token Ring? 10BASE-T?
7. What is the ideal cable to install in a new building?
8. What is the ideal cable to install between buildings on a campus?
9. Whose routers are recommended?
10. Whose bridges are recommended?
11. Whose Ethernet equipment are recommended?
12. Whose Token Ring equipment are recommended?
13. Whose FDDI equipment are recommended?
14. What PC network software is recommended?
15. What protocols should run on a campus-wide LAN?
16. What software is recommended for managing a campus-wide LAN?
17. What terminal server is recommended?
18. Whose troubleshooting equipment are recommended?
19. What security products should I buy?
20. Should the names of devices on my campus LAN have subdomains?
21. Should client stations use POP? Should they use just SMTP? Should
I use some non-TCP/IP protocol for mail to/from client stations?
22. Should I enable SQE/heartbeat?
I. About BIG-LAN
BIG-LAN is a mailing list for discussion of issues in designing and
operating Campus-Size Local Area Networks, especially complex
ones utilizing multiple technologies and supporting multiple
protocols. Topics include repeaters, bridges, routers and
gateways; how to incorporate smaller Personal-Computer type LANs
into the campus-wide LAN; how to unify the mail systems, etc.
This is an ideal list in which to debate the relative merits of
bridges vs routers.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to BIG-LAN-REQUEST@SUVM.ACS.SYR.EDU
(Internet) or BIG-REQ@SUVM (Bitnet). Those familiar with LISTSERV
can subscribe with LISTSERV@SUVM.ACS.SYR.EDU (Internet) or
Archives are available through LISTSERV and anonymous ftp.
Coordinator: John Wobus <JMWOBUS@SUVM.ACS.SYR.EDU>
II. Explanation of this Memo
Since BIG-LAN is not specific to any protocol family, it will
not cover any particular protocol family in detail, e.g. this
is not a TCP/IP/Internet FAQ Memo. Fortunately, there are some
good TCP/IP FAQ Memos which are listed in the sources of
information below.
Suggestions, corrections, and contributions welcome. Please
send them to:
III. Sources of Information on Campus Networks
This list favors "network" sources of information: available on
the Internet and/or BITNET and other similar networks; if you
have access to BIG-LAN then you have access to one of these
networks; and these sources are not the kind which you can
discover through vendors, books, bookstores, or libraries.
1. Must-Read Sources
These are documents that you definitely should get and read if you
have questions about Campus Networks.
a. Charles Spurgeon's reading list (see below under "Other Useful
Online Papers").
b. RFCs 1175, 1206, and 1207 (see below under "RFCs").
2. A Few General Sources
These are network resources & mechanisms for getting all kinds
of information--not just on Networking; thus we can't cover them
very thoroughly in this memo.
a. LISTSERV - mailing list servers & file servers on BITNET, accessible
via e-mail. Can be reached and used from a lot of networks.
Mail the command INFO to any LISTSERV for help. Also have
database commands (i.e. search commands) for archives they store.
b. Usenet News/Netnews: distributed bulletin board with discussions
on lots of topics. Distributed through the Internet and through
c. Anonymous ftp: the main way to make files available on the Internet.
ftp to a site using username "anonymous". A password is always
demanded--sometimes a banner tells you what to use--otherwise
"guest" almost always works.
d. Archie servers - network-accessible databases of where to get
files via anonymous ftp. Access is through telnet, rlogin,
mail, or a special "archie" protocol. To use via telnet,
enter username archie. Some servers: archie.ans.net,
archie.sura.net, archie.mcgill.edu, archie.unl.edu.
e. WAIS - Internet-accessible databases on different topics.
Available via WAIS protocol (basically Z39.50). Client
(and server) software is collected on quake.think.com as
well as a WAIS database of WAIS servers.
f. ftplist.txt - collected list of anonymous ftp sites.
Stored lots of places in anonymous ftp including syr.edu.
g. Internet gopher - something like anonymous ftp only more advanced:
to get started, I suggest ftping boombox.micro.umn.edu and getting
information on gopher. A number of sites have servers.
h. Internet List of lists: available by anonymous ftp from
ftp.nisc.sri.com, or through a mail-based file server
at mailserver@nisc.sri.com.
i. LISTSERV internal list of lists. Available by mailing the command
j. news.answers - newsgroup that distributes Frequently Asked
Questions memos for lots of Netnews groups.
k. FAQ archive available via anonymous ftp on pit-manager.mit.edu
From the archives of news.answers, Frequently Asked Question
memos for lots of Netnews groups.
l. news.announce.newusers - has periodic postings about how to
use Usenet/Netnews and also a lot about mailing lists.
m. BITFTP. A BITNET server that allows BITNET sites to use the
Internet's File Transfer Protocol to send/receive files to
ftpable Internet sites. For more information, send mail
to BITFTP@PUCC with HELP as the message body.
n. Database of lists managed by LISTSERV@VM1.NODAK.EDU. Use through
LISTSERV's database interface.
o. Maas files--Indexes & abstracts about various services available
via Internet & BITNET including some related to campus networks.
Available via anonymous ftp from ftp.unt.edu.
p. NETSCOUT@VMTECMEX.BITNET mailing list. A list to exchange information
on the location of network resources. LISTSERV-based so use
instructions below to subscribe, etc.
3. LISTSERV Mailing Lists
Send a "SUBSCRIBE" command to LISTSERV@foo, e.g.
e. CW-EMAIL@TECMTYVM.BITNET (Campus Wide E-mail)
f. CWIS-L@WUVMD.BITNET (Campus Wide Information Systems)
h. HELP-NET@TEMPLEVM.BITNET (Help re networking software)
4. Internet Mailing Lists
Send a subscription request for list foo to foo-request@blah
a. big-lan@suvm.acs.syr.edu (gives you 2 ways)
b. cisco@spot.colorado.edu
c. p4200@comet.cit.cornell.edu (Proteon routers)
d. tcp-ip@nic.ddn.mil
e. netblazer-users@telebit.com
f. info-appletalk@andrew.cmu.edu
g. net-ops@nsl.dec.com
h. nfs@tmc.edu
i. wellfleet-l@nstn.ns.ca
j. ospf@trantor.umd.edu (OSPF IP routing protocol)
k. pop@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu
l. bind@ucbarpa.berkeley.edu
m. pc-ip@udel.edu
n. drivers@sun.soe.clarkson.edu (Packet Drivers)
5. USENET/Netnews Groups
a. comp.dcom.* lans, modems, sys.cisco, telecom, ...
b. comp.protocols.* appletalk, tcp-ip, ibm, ppp, ...
c. comp.sys.proteon
d. comp.sys.novell
e. comp.sys.mac.comm
f. bit.listserv.big-lan (Note: these groups give Netnews
g. bit.listserv.novell readers a way to read the corresponding
h. bit.listserv.cwis-l LISTSERV lists)
i. bit.listserv.cw-mail
j. bit.listserv.3com-l
k. alt.dcom.* catv, telecom, ...
6. Anonymous FTP-based Archive Sites
a. syr.edu: BIG-LAN mailing list; NOVELL mailing list; a collection of
network-oriented papers.
b. spot.colorado.edu: cisco mailing list & some other network stuff
c. hsdndev.harvard.edu: (in pub/rtests/10.91) Results of Scott
Bradner's router benchmarks.
d. ftp.uu.net: a treasure trove of software.
e. wuarchive.wustl.edu: a treasure trove of software.
f. vax.ftp.com: packet drivers, some Unix software, other stuff.
g. ftp.utexas.edu: collection of networking info & software.
h. ftp.slc.is.novell.com: files Novell makes available.
i. ftp.cisco.com: files Cisco makes available & some interesting
j. gatekeeper.dec.com: a treasure trove of software & stuff
(the stuff that was on decwrl.dec.com).
k. lux.levels.unisa.edu.au: files that 3Com distributes via
l. ftp.unt.edu: Maas files and other goodies.
m. simtel20.army.mil: a treasure trove of software, including
packet drivers (pd1:<msdos.pktdrvr>). Mirrored on ftp.uu.net
and wuarchive.wustl.edu.
n. osi.ncsl.nist.gov: online copies of GOSIP & related documents.
7. LISTSERV-based Archive Sites
The brave can mail the command "INFO FILES" and/or the command
"INFO DATABASE" to the LISTSERV for instructions.
a. LISTSERV@SUVM.BITNET: BIG-LAN & NOVELL mailing list archives.
8. RFCs (Internet "Request For Comments")
Some anonymous ftp sites for RFCs: nic.ddn.mil, ftp.nisc.sri.com,
nis.nsf.net, nisc.jvnc.net, venera.isi.edu, wuarchive.wustl.edu.
There are also some mail-based file servers:
mailserver@nisc.sri.com, info-server@nnsc.nsf.net, and
a. RFC1147: FYI on a network management tool catalog: Tools for
monitoring and debugging TCP/IP internets and interconnected devices
b. RFC1175: FYI on where to start: A bibliography of internetworking
c. RFC1206: FYI on Questions and Answers: Answers to commonly asked
"new Internet user" questions
d. RFC1178: Choosing a name for your computer
e. RFC1207: FYI on Questions and Answers: Answers to commonly asked
"experienced Internet user" questions
f. RFC1244: Site Security Handbook
g. RFC1118: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Internet
h. RFC1122 & RFC1123: Requirements for Internet Hosts
i. RFC1208: A Glossary of Networking Terms
j. RFC1180: A TCP/IP Tutorial
k. RFC1173: Responsibilities of Host and Network Managers:
A Summary of the Oral Tradition of the Internet
l. IAB Official Protocol Standards (Currently RFC1250 but it is
periodically updated & given a new RFC number)
m. Assigned Numbers (Currently RFC1060 but it is periodically
updated & given a new RFC number; Includes field-values for
protocols in the TCP/IP family as well as some others)
9. Other Useful Online Papers
a. Charles Spurgeon. "Network Reading List: TCP/IP, UNIX, and
Ethernet". Available via anonymous ftp from ftp.utexas.edu
in directory pub/netinfo/docs as net-read.txt and netread-ps.
Also available via electronic-mail-based archive server. Send
the word "help" in the subject header or body of a message
to archive-server@ftp.utexas.edu for more information.
b. Charles Hedrick. "Introduction to the Administration of an
Internet-based Local Network". Available via anonymous ftp
from cs.rutgers.edu as runet/tcp-ip-admin.doc (also .ps).
c. Charles Hedrick. "Introduction to Internet Protocols."
Available via anonymous ftp from cs.rutgers.edu as
runet/tcp-ip-intro.doc (also .ps).
d. Unofficial lists of codes used on 802.3 & Ethernet networks.
Portions of the official list are not released, so various
people compile unofficial lists. One that is available via
anonymous ftp is Michael Patton's pub/map/EtherNet-Codes
on ftp.lcs.mit.edu. See also RFC: "Assigned Numbers".
e. Scott Jenkins: "Frequently Asked Questions for NOVELL@SUVM
Mailing List." Available via anonymous ftp from
info.umd.edu in the info/Computers/Novell/Information directory.
f. Brendan Kehoe: "Zen and the Art of the Internet: A Beginner's
Guide to the Internet." Available via anonymous ftp from
ftp.cs.widener.edu in the pub/zen directory.
10. Sources of Protocol Documents
a. Ethernet V2 DEC-Direct; 1-800-344-4825; DEC Part Number AA-K759B-TK.
b. IEEE 802 (802.3, Token Ring, 10BASE-T, etc) IEEE; 1-800-678-IEEE.
c. TCP/IP RFCs. See RFCs (above).
d. Appletalk APDA; 1-800-282-APDA. Now a book in the "Inside" series.
e. OSI Omnicom Inc.; 1-800-666-4266.
f. DECNet DEC.
h. Novell(IPX) Built on XNS; rest is designed by Novell.
i. FDDI ANSI; 1-212-642-4900.
Also Global Engineering Documents; 1-800-854-7179.
2805 McGaw Avenue; PO Box 19539; Irvine, CA 92714;
j. CCITT United Nations book shop in New York
k. GOSIP NTIS Sales Dept; (703)487-4650; Document FIPS 146-1;
See also Anonymous FTP-based Archive Sites
l. XNS Xerox.
11. Useful Free Software
(see also RFC1147; listed above)
a. CUTCP (TCP/IP client for PCs) sun.soe.clarkson.edu,
b. NCSA Telnet (Telnet clients for PCs & Macs) ftp.nsca.uiuc.edu
c. Eudora (POP3 Client for Macs) ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
d. POPmail (POP3 Client for PCs & Macs) boombox.micro.umn.edu
e. PCROUTE (Makes IP router out of PC) accuvax.nwu.edu
f. PCBRIDGE (Makes bridge out of PC) accuvax.nwu.edu
g. Packet Drivers (Drivers for various PC LAN cards) simtel20.army.mil
h. WinQVT (IP clients for Windows) ftp.cica.indiana.edu
i. ka9q (TCP/IP for PCs and Macs) ucsd.edu
j. PC/IP (TCP/IP client for MS-DOS) husc6.harvard.edu
k. charon (Pegasus/smtp gateway) omnigate.clarkson.edu
l. CAP (AppleTalk for Unix systems) rutgers.edu, munnari.oz.au,
m. Popper (POP3 server for Unix systems) ftp.cc.berkeley.edu
n. Trumpet (PC Newsreader) simtel20.army.mil
o. bootpd (Bootp Daemon for Unix) lancaster.andrew.cmu.edu
p. NUPOP (POP3 daemon for MS-DOS) ftp.acns.nwu.edu
q. PC netwatching program [I don't know name or site]
r. iupop3 (POP3 server for VMS) mythos.ucs.indiana.edu
12. Books
The following books were mentioned by responders to the 12/91
BIG-LAN Reader Survey as good books for administrators of Campus-sized
a. Douglas Comer. Internetworking with TCP/IP.
b. Marshall Rose. The Simple Book.
c. Caroline Arms. Campus Networking Strategies. Digital Press.
d. DEC Telecomm. & Network Buyer's Guide.
f. Marshall Rose. The Open Book.
g. Carl Malamud. Analyzing Novell Networks.
h. Andrew Tanenbaum. Computer Networks.
i. Martin A. W. Nemzow. Keeping The Link (McGraw-Hill).
j. William Stallings. Local Networks: an Introduction.
k. John McCann. NetWare Supervisor's Guide.
l. William Stallings. Handbook of Communications Standards. (?)
m. Nemeth, Snyder & Seebass. Unix System Administration Handbook.